Slim Weight Patch

What Is Diet?

The diet is the sum of food consumed by a person. Although humans are omnivores, each culture holds some food preferences and some food taboos. Individual dietary choices may be more or less healthy.

Proper nutrition requires the proper ingestion and equally important, the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and fuel in the form of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

There is a saying that, you are what you eat, meaning that your diet can go a long way to predict what you will become in future considering that some diets confers longevity and some kill you fast.

Imagine a diet of ice creams and chocolates, or beer, whisky and beef etc.

Problems of Dieting

Diets come with some problems especially bad diets. When a person becomes addicted to a particular unhealthy diet, there is predisposition to several diseases simply because of the diet. The subject of healthy dieting is now a very popular one across the globe and more and more people are realizing the need to develop a well thought out diet deemed fit for themselves. High fat diet may cause stroke, hypertension, coronary heart disease, diabetes, obesity and low self esteem.

Low Protein diet results in malnourishment and depressed immune system, anemia (this is common in vegetarians), and in children kwashikor, a form of protein energy malnutrition.

Dietary Supplement

It is becoming more difficult for one to actually consume all the nutrients needed for proper functioning of the body from food alone and as such it is common to see people who eat less because of their diet but try to supplement with pills.

Some of the pills are to induce anorexia and help you reduce the number of times you eat as well as the amount of food per day. In selecting these supplements, a thorough research is necessary as they are too many dietary pills and fat binders out there that fail to achieve what they promise.

Dieting is an important aspect of healthy living and everyone needs to be on one form of diet or the other. Yours may have been prompted by an illness, or maybe you want to loss weight, you are trying to maintain weight loss or you do not just want to grow fat. Before any decision is taken on what kind of diet you should be on, your doctors advice must be sort-only he is in the position to advice you appropriately.

Dieting will only make sense when we decide on it and stick to it as well. It is very important that people have control over the things they eat. Diet is the biggest single determinant of whether or not we will have good health. It affects health more than any other thing one can thing of.

A healthy diet is one that is arrived at with the intent of improving or maintaining optimal health. This usually involves consuming nutrients by eating the appropriate amounts from all of the food groups, including an adequate amount of water. Since human nutrition is complex, a healthy diet may vary widely, and is subject to an individual's genetic makeup, environment, and health.

Not Losing Weight?

Do you notice yourself if there are changes after 6 months or 1 year of weight loss program? Or you have been dieting for a year now and you are probably also exercising, yet you don’t seen any progress and you are worried. Now you start scratching your head and you are asking, why?

Some people actually loss the weight, maybe in their first 6 months but later gain it back. If you're troubled by this it is most likely that you have been digressing from you plan. You're not alone in this if you must know there are about 70% of the populations who suffer this problem.

First check out with your doctor to make sure you are not suffering type 2 diabetes mellitus. But it could also be that you are suffering the same problem every body out there who is trying to loss weight is suffering. They fail to seek expert advice. Or they have but are not adhering strictly to what was prescribed. The thing is that, we know fat binders work, but not every fat binder out there works as expected or promised. You can not afford to exercises just every now and then and expect that because you are on a diet, you should loss weight. It doesn’t just work that way. There has to be a well thought of diet plan as well as exercise plan.

Something I would suggest is maybe trying a particular kind of meal works for you, it makes sense to keep going with that food combined with fruits and vegetables. You can not keep trying different regimen forever; you need to stick to things that work. Use only tested diet plans.

If you have been using say, 1% milk that contains a very low amount of fat, then start using skim milk. You might want to incorporate lean protein like fish or chicken. You can also get good proteins from things like beans (some have more/better protein than others) or nuts.

Another secret is to stay away from snack bars. Don’t buy and don’t have it at home. Even if it belongs to someone else, the kid for example because, sometimes you will need a cooperative family to succeed in losing weight. The allure of these snacks is difficult to avoid sometimes. However, if you consider that you health’s worth more than a couple of snacks, it should serve as enough motivation for you to want to stay alive.

I am out lining some of these steps because I believe your problem is in either your wrong diet plan or lack of consistency-maybe ignorance too. So you should include some weight lifting exercises into your routine. This weight does not have to be heavy- Cardiovascular exercise is great and plays an important role in reaching your goal weight and maintaining a healthy lifestyle, however, once you stop the exercise you stop burning calories as well. With this you not just burn calories during exercises but continue even after the exercise.

The World Of (Low Fat & Fat Free Foods) No Where

Many in the supermarket or grocery store you’ll see in their rack dozens of “low fat” and “fat free” food items where ever you look.

World today has gone “low fat” crazy -- and most people think that if they just begin eating low fat foods then their bodies will have less fat too.

Sounds logical right?


You see, the problem with this type of thinking is that there is no “direct” relationship between fat calories eaten and fat tissue on a person’s body.

The truth is that your body can convert ANY type of calorie to fat tissue, not just fat calories.

For example, if you eat 2 lbs. of sugar every day then you’ll probably gain some fat tissue after a while – but yet sugar has ZERO FAT CALORIES in it. So eating 2 lbs. of sugar every day is a “fat free” diet, but yet you’d still gain fat.

Likewise, if you eat a huge bowl of white rice at every single meal then you’d soon gain fat tissue on your body – but yet this is a fat free food too.

So what does that tell you about eating fat free foods?

Not only that, but there are many of low fat cakes, cookies and desserts sold at store. Yet, do you honestly think that these foods are “healthy” merely because they are low in fat?

Of course not, and you’ll gain extra fat if you eat too much of them.

In fact, our entire society has been eating low fat foods in greater quantity over the last decade – but yet our society is still getting fatter and fatter. So that should tell you something about low fat diets.

You should stop thinking “non fat” and “low fat”– since those are just buzz words designed to make you feel as though such foods are healthy.

The truth is that you don’t need to worry about “fat” calories so much, and you also don’t need to worry about total “carbs” so much either...

What you need to worry about is the exact types of foods that you combine together at each meal, so that you get the proper portion of fat calories and carbs at each meal – which will maximize weight loss.

To begin losing weight fast we recommend using the new Idiot Proof Diet from Fat Loss 4 Idiots -- because it's not based on "low fat" foods.

In fact, it's not based on "low calories" either, and it's also not based on "low carbs" (since low carb diets don't work very well)... The Idiot Proof Diet is a brand new type of diet never seen before, so give it a try and watch the pounds come off fast.

Am I Fat?

Sometimes many people asking themselves with a question, "Am I fat?"

Though in the beginning, a lot of fat people do not want to accept that they are fat and usually pick a quarrel if anyone makes an observation, there comes a time when they can no longer hide from it.

The thing is, when you finally agree that you are fat, do you just say ‘okay, I know am fat and there is nothing I can do about it’. Then put up with it? Or do you take up the challenge and start doing something about it?

So why are you fat?

Usually I get replies like; “I eat at wrong times of the day, at the wrong quantities. I have 3 kids; I run a business that takes away all the time I could have exercised. Between the business and my three kids’ daily activities at school that I volunteer at, as well as every other extra curricular activity, I really don't find the time to make sure I eat right.

I must be sure my children eat well though. While they're eating, I'm cleaning, or getting ready, or cleaning up spilt milk, etc. I miss meals, when it is time for me to eat; I eat it really big because I am really very hungry by then. I know what I am doing is wrong but what do I do?”

Others tell me stories like; “I don't drink enough fluids, when I do, its usually coffee, but I gag on water, I've tried checking this myself, and I am almost succeeding, I'm down to a coke every other day, and that is about 4 bottles a week, instead of everyday, though I still have my coffee. But now I'm up to two bottles of water a day....however, either way, still not enough fluids at all right?”

Yes enough fluid is alright but not when the fluid is coffee and coke. A bottle of coke is said to contain about 8 cubes of sugar and coffee doesn’t just contain caffeine that affects your nerves when you grow older but increases your cholesterol level. I have told people, it doesn’t matter whether it is decaff.

Another excuse people give themselves. “I was too busy working and wasn’t eating enough then I became anemic. I wouldn't be if I was eating properly. If I really wanted to eat well I could probably have worked out a schedule to make sure I eat the right things at the right times. Now the doctor wants me to eat more but I am now fat trying to do what the doctor said. I have tried to cut out the soda, and focus more on water, and I do some light walking as I was not supposed to get involved in very strenuous physical activities as at then. How do I loss weight without becoming anemic again?”

Whatever is your excuse or ‘reason’ you need to start knowing that excuses will only worsen your health status. So knock if off! You will not get better with excuses. Take the responsibility for your own health. Stop blaming the doctor, your kids or your job. It is all about you being a little bit more vigilant and determined to save your own life.

With all these excuses, you will begin to eat emotionally, stuffing a lot of chocolate, binging at any opportunity. Seeking solace in food is the worst thing you can do for your mode. Exercises will put you in a better frame of mind.

The Importance Of Fitness

Fitness may just be the saving grace when you find yourself in a life threatening situation. Note that I expect you to be a martial artist, but you will need to really be fit to run for your dear life and not gas out after just 100 meters. Our body is an invaluable asset that stays with us day and night throughout and for as long as we live. It is very important that we treat it well and keep it physically fit.

The general attitude of people towards fitness has changed and over the past few years you and I are now much more concerned and aware of the need to live positively. We now recognize the importance of physical fitness than ever before. We are encouraged to adopt a 'positive attitude' to our health by many talk shows online forums and fitness websites through better care of our bodies and minds.

Self Esteem- A person who is fit tend to have confidence in public places and amongst peers. Not just because they look god to everyone around but because of the inner comfort and feel-good disposition.

The problem of coronary heart diseases, diabetes, hypertension, cancers are all conditions that can be avoided if you take out time to make sure that your body is fit. Exercises prevent a lot of problems.

Your body can better handle dangerous chemicals like free radicals if we exercise more often. Your heart muscles grow thicker and pump more blood per minute, nutrient absorption is at optimal levels, bones grow bigger and healing process occurs faster.

Positive health is all that it takes to maintain a minimum level of health and fitness to keep your body looking and feeling good and at optimum functional state, as well as maintaining a level of physical fitness.

Health and fitness is determined by what we eat, how we live our lives. In order words, it is determined by our life style. The kind of daily activities we love to get involved in, the type of food we love to eat, the number of times we eat and the amount of food we eat and physical exercise.

Keeping fit is about how we as individuals choose to live our lives and the levels of fitness we aspire to. We all need a certain amount of the right type of exercise to keep us healthy, regardless of our lifestyle, age or physical ability.

Maintaining a good level of physical fitness will give you a feeling of better health through increased energy and vitality, it is a happy feeling that results in even greater happiness.

Fitness keeps you in the right frame of mind. There is increase mental sharpness and concentration all resulting from increase blood circulation in the brain achieved by proper dieting and physical exercises. Fitness is something we should all desire.

Brides Prefer Proactol™ For Natural Weight Loss

Brides Prefer Proactol™ For Natural Weight Loss

Are you feeling anxious about your big day? Do you worry about making your wedding dress fit the way you know it should?

Well, you're not the only person who feels this way when approaching their wedding day, although it can feel like that sometimes.

Our website's visitors who are getting married have tried and tested a clinically proven weight loss product, which we thought you might be interested in.

It's called Proactol™ and can work fast and effectively for you when dieting. This natural supplement can take out up to 28% of your fat, suppress your appetite and reduce excess body weight.

Discount available to you today: 15% off packages for our website's visitors - on all 3 month packages and above - use WEDR1

Media Exposure Featured in major national newspapers, has 4 clinically proven trials and featured in numerous articles worldwide.

Rated #1 by our website visitors, this product has helped many people. You too can be the bride you have always wanted to be. Let's face it today is the day when you want to look your very best and you want to be proud of your wedding album.

Happy married Proactol couple. Healthy weight loss is possible and means you have one less thing to worry about.Rather than getting too stressed about your wedding day, whether it's your wedding photographs, wedding invitations, flowers or the vows worrying you, you can at least feel that you have an added boost.

Currently, Proactol™ is offering brides 15% off their weight management packages and free advice on the best way to approach your weight loss effort for the big day. This clinically proven fat binder has managed to help brides, bridesmaids, grooms and mother of the brides alike to lose those unwanted lbs which are bothering them.

We all want to look toned, radiant and happy in life, however, you are bound to feel under a little more pressure when approaching your wedding days. This dietary supplement is great for people who snack too often and want to lose weight the natural way. Feeling toned, slim and healthy is only a click away

Special Offer: 15% off packages above 3 months - use WEDR1 on the e-voucher section on the web page

"Proactol™ has been a great weight loss boost for me as I approach my wedding day and I am really pleased to be on my way to achieving my target weight.

One of my bridesmaids is really tall and slim. I suppose I was getting worried about not looking as good as I should really. My mom said I was being silly but things like that worry you when you're getting closer to your wedding.

I have lost a couple of lbs per week and have been really pleased with the results.

Thank you Proactol™"
Louisa, California, USA

Read more testimonials here

This product is 100% natural and made from organic ingredients. It has no known side effects and is a Certfied Medical Device Product we have tried and tested.

If you are looking to reduce your body fat, lower your blood cholesterol, suppress your appetite and decrease food cravings, to feel happier and healthier in the run up to your wedding and after, then this is the product for you!

Proactol ™ is your best solution for fast, easy and pain free weightloss and is only available from the official site through the link below.

New Mothers vote Proactol™ the 1# Choice

New Mothers vote Proactol™ the 1# choice for natural weight loss
Have you just had a baby and are wondering how to lose those extra lbs? Becoming a mother and watching your baby’s first smile is an amazing experience for all of us. But finding the time to eat properly and lose your post pregnancy weight can often be a struggle.

Visitors to our website seeking a natural solution to their post pregnancy weight have tried and tested a clinically proven product that can naturally supplement your weight loss and allow you to spend the time you deserve with your baby.

Proactol is a natural fat binder that can reduce your fat intake by up to 28%. By making this fat indigestible, you can enjoy fast and effective weight loss and still indulge in your favorite foods without having to feel guilty.

Discounts currently available: we will give you a 15% discount when you order 3 months and above, and type in BABPR1. Lose your baby weight and have the body you want. Order Proactol today

Proactol is perfect for mothers who have stopped breast feeding and want to feel more confident about their bodies. But even if you are still breast feeding, we can offer you advice on how to effectively lose weight until you are ready to take Proactol. Our online aerobics videos, discussion forum and 60 delicious low fat recipes, means you can experience real weight loss success and love your new body.

Proactol can also reduce your excess body weight, suppress your appetite and decrease your food cravings, all by taking 2-3 of our natural supplements after every meal.

We are currently running campaigns both in the Telegraph and on the internet for our customers. From our top 5 weight loss tips to advice on how to lose weight for your wedding, our goal has been to make weight loss easy and simple.

Proactol has also recently been checked by the ERSP to see if what we advertise is true. And after examining our 5 clinical trials, the ERSP passed our product with flying colours. Read more
Overall Rating

Voted 1# choice for natural weight loss, at Proactol we are constantly seeking out new ways to help you achieve the body you want.

So give your body a natural solution by using our 100% organically made supplement. Produced from the opuntia ficus –indica cactus, with Proactol you can lose between 1-2lbs a week with minimal exercise. And once you’re happy with your body, you can continue to use Proactol to maintain your new figure.

Order Proactol today and experience our limited time offer of a 15% discount when you enter BABPR1. You’ll soon notice a difference in your figure.

Although we recommend you do not use Proactol whilst you are breastfeeding we can offer you tips, easy exercise routines and 24 hour support until you are ready to take Proactol. Read more

"After I finished breast feeding I still hadn’t lost the majority of the extra weight I’d acquired and couldn’t get used to my wobbly belly or new figure. My plan was to eat healthily and do as much exercise as possible. However, I wasn’t prepared for how busy you are as a new mum and I often grabbed quick snacks and junk food whenever I got a moment."

"I began to use Proactol and began to steadily lose 1-3 lbs a week. By combining the pills with walks out with the pushchair I was able to manage my weight loss effectively and have enough time to be on top of everything at home" Amy 25, UK

Read more testimonials

It is possible to have the body you deserve, lose weight and spend quality time with your baby. And with our limited offer of a 15% discount when you order packages of 3 months and above, you can experience easy, natural weight loss with Proactol.